F.A.Q & Rules
The Temuka & Geraldine A & P Association hereby adopts By-laws of the Royal Agricultural Society,
and agrees to abide by these By-laws, which are available for inspection on request from the Secretary.
All entries to be accepted on these conditions:
and agrees to abide by these By-laws, which are available for inspection on request from the Secretary.
All entries to be accepted on these conditions:
1. Exhibits must be on the Showgrounds & ready for Judging at the following times:
Friday 21st February 2025:
12:00pm All White and Black & Coloured Wool to be in the Wool Room
Friday 28th February 2025:
9:00am Home Industry
Saturday 1st March 2025:
9:00am Alpaca
9:30am Sheep
9:30am Goats
9:30am Poultry
Equestrian: - Please refer to induvial classes
2. Gate Passes will be allocated to exhibitors who have paid $15.00 or more in entry fees.
3. Cups & Trophies may be presented on Show Day and photographed but must be handed back immediately.
4. All prizes not claimed within six months after the date of the Show will be forfeited to the Association.
5. Refunds: 80% of Entry Fee on production of a Veterinary Certificate & Doctor's Certificate or at discretion
of the organising committee (on the day of the show).
6. Allocation of Points: Standard Points: First 6 points; Second 4 points; Third 2 points; V H C 1 point
(no points if less than five entries.) Champions …points Reserve Champion …1 point extra. In the event
of no competition, only half points awarded. Competition means two or more exhibitors, whose exhibits are
judged competing for the prize or prizes in the particular class for which prizes are awarded. Ties to count 1 win each.
For points prizes no additional points will be awarded for Supreme or Grand Champion. In the event of two exhibitors or
more gaining equal points, the exhibitor gaining most first prizes will be declared the winner. If points are still equal
the exhibitor being awarded most championships will be declared the winner.
7. All exhibits must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor & the exhibitor must have grown all produce. All stock must
be the property of the Exhibitor 30 days prior to the official date of entries closing & in the case of Sheep, exhibitors must
own a registered brand. The pet lamb classes are exempt from this condition.
8. Where a Class has an age qualification, this is 1 March.
9. Improper Conduct: Any exhibitor or other person interfering or using insulting or improper language to a Judge or any other Officer of the Association, In regard to the execution of their duty, or being guilty of improper conduct on the Show Ground, may be disqualified from exhibiting at future Shows of the Association, and, if a prize taker, shall be liable to have all his unpaid prize forfeited at the discretion of the Committee of the Association whose decision is final.
10. Disqualified Persons: Should any person or firm be disqualified or suspended by a kindred or Metropolitan Association,
the Committee of the Association shall have power to endorse such disqualification or suspension, should they see fit.
11. All protests must be in writing, and may be lodged with the chief executive within one hour from the completion of
the class judged, together with a deposit of Horse Section $50.00 cash, Cattle and Sheep Section $20.00 cash and all
other sections $10.00 cash which shall be returned should the protest be sustained. If the protest be lodged before
the judges proceed to their duties, the onus of proof will rest with the exhibitor, if after that the onus of proof will be
with the party protesting. No protest will be received later than one hour after the prize tickets are affixed. The committee,
or not less than five members thereof, will decide all protests as soon as practicable, and there shall be no appeal from
their decision.
12. Exhibitors may arrange for SALE OF STOCK, etc, but sale shall not take place prior to 4.00pm unless the Executive give a
consent in writing, signed by the Secretary. No advertising allowed. No stock shall be removed from the ground until after
3.30pm. NOTE: All stock entries can be removed from grounds after 3.30pm; all other sections must not be uplifted till
after 4.00pm. Permission to remove exhibits from any classes before stated times must be obtained from Secretary & only
considered in special circumstances.
13. The Association will not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by any exhibit,
or which may be caused directly by any other exhibit, not withstanding any alleged negligence on the part of any officer or
servant of the Association & it shall be condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Association indemnified against
any class in respect of any such accident, loss or damage caused by any exhibit of such exhibitor.
14. The Committee will not, under any circumstances, hold themselves responsible for the loss, damage or misdelivery of stock,
produce, goods etc exhibited at the show.
15. Exhibitors & spectators are advised that the Association carries a Public Insurance Risk Policy for the day of the Show.
16. The Association holds records of names & addresses of all Members & Exhibitors & will publish these as necessary for media show reports.
IMPORTANT Health and Safety information for exhibitors and competitors.
IMPORTANT Notice to All Dog Owners and Handlers:
Your dog is welcome at the Temuka & Geraldine A&P Association Show at the Winchester Domain. Please note the following:
Friday 21st February 2025:
12:00pm All White and Black & Coloured Wool to be in the Wool Room
Friday 28th February 2025:
9:00am Home Industry
Saturday 1st March 2025:
9:00am Alpaca
9:30am Sheep
9:30am Goats
9:30am Poultry
Equestrian: - Please refer to induvial classes
2. Gate Passes will be allocated to exhibitors who have paid $15.00 or more in entry fees.
3. Cups & Trophies may be presented on Show Day and photographed but must be handed back immediately.
4. All prizes not claimed within six months after the date of the Show will be forfeited to the Association.
5. Refunds: 80% of Entry Fee on production of a Veterinary Certificate & Doctor's Certificate or at discretion
of the organising committee (on the day of the show).
6. Allocation of Points: Standard Points: First 6 points; Second 4 points; Third 2 points; V H C 1 point
(no points if less than five entries.) Champions …points Reserve Champion …1 point extra. In the event
of no competition, only half points awarded. Competition means two or more exhibitors, whose exhibits are
judged competing for the prize or prizes in the particular class for which prizes are awarded. Ties to count 1 win each.
For points prizes no additional points will be awarded for Supreme or Grand Champion. In the event of two exhibitors or
more gaining equal points, the exhibitor gaining most first prizes will be declared the winner. If points are still equal
the exhibitor being awarded most championships will be declared the winner.
7. All exhibits must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor & the exhibitor must have grown all produce. All stock must
be the property of the Exhibitor 30 days prior to the official date of entries closing & in the case of Sheep, exhibitors must
own a registered brand. The pet lamb classes are exempt from this condition.
8. Where a Class has an age qualification, this is 1 March.
9. Improper Conduct: Any exhibitor or other person interfering or using insulting or improper language to a Judge or any other Officer of the Association, In regard to the execution of their duty, or being guilty of improper conduct on the Show Ground, may be disqualified from exhibiting at future Shows of the Association, and, if a prize taker, shall be liable to have all his unpaid prize forfeited at the discretion of the Committee of the Association whose decision is final.
10. Disqualified Persons: Should any person or firm be disqualified or suspended by a kindred or Metropolitan Association,
the Committee of the Association shall have power to endorse such disqualification or suspension, should they see fit.
11. All protests must be in writing, and may be lodged with the chief executive within one hour from the completion of
the class judged, together with a deposit of Horse Section $50.00 cash, Cattle and Sheep Section $20.00 cash and all
other sections $10.00 cash which shall be returned should the protest be sustained. If the protest be lodged before
the judges proceed to their duties, the onus of proof will rest with the exhibitor, if after that the onus of proof will be
with the party protesting. No protest will be received later than one hour after the prize tickets are affixed. The committee,
or not less than five members thereof, will decide all protests as soon as practicable, and there shall be no appeal from
their decision.
12. Exhibitors may arrange for SALE OF STOCK, etc, but sale shall not take place prior to 4.00pm unless the Executive give a
consent in writing, signed by the Secretary. No advertising allowed. No stock shall be removed from the ground until after
3.30pm. NOTE: All stock entries can be removed from grounds after 3.30pm; all other sections must not be uplifted till
after 4.00pm. Permission to remove exhibits from any classes before stated times must be obtained from Secretary & only
considered in special circumstances.
13. The Association will not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by any exhibit,
or which may be caused directly by any other exhibit, not withstanding any alleged negligence on the part of any officer or
servant of the Association & it shall be condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Association indemnified against
any class in respect of any such accident, loss or damage caused by any exhibit of such exhibitor.
14. The Committee will not, under any circumstances, hold themselves responsible for the loss, damage or misdelivery of stock,
produce, goods etc exhibited at the show.
15. Exhibitors & spectators are advised that the Association carries a Public Insurance Risk Policy for the day of the Show.
16. The Association holds records of names & addresses of all Members & Exhibitors & will publish these as necessary for media show reports.
IMPORTANT Health and Safety information for exhibitors and competitors.
- Livestock exhibitors and competitors must follow the instructions of Marshals and Officials.
- Exhibitors and competitors are responsible for ensuring their animals are kept in control at all times.
- The Temuka & Geraldine A&P Association reserves the right to order immediate removal from the Showgrounds of any animal it considers dangerous, unruly or unmanageable.
- Livestock exhibitors must ensure they keep walkways clear and no dangerous equipment or chemicals are accessible to the public.
IMPORTANT Notice to All Dog Owners and Handlers:
Your dog is welcome at the Temuka & Geraldine A&P Association Show at the Winchester Domain. Please note the following:
- Your dog must be under your control at all times and on a lead as per the Timaru District Council Bylaws for dogs in public places.
- Any injury or damage cause by your dog will be charged for.